We want to develop a robot navigation algorithm that can process robot’s sensor data to generate robot navigation commands to fulfill the given objective.
For this toy problem, we have a differential driver robot with the following sensors:
Objective: we want to write a program that can guide the robot to score goals!
We can first develop our algorithm in a simulation environment:
And then test the algorithm in real world.
For simulation, we need:
Robot Operating System (ROS) requires specific versions of Ubuntu. For example, ROS 2 Humble require Ubuntu 22.04. We can use Visual Studio Code dev container to setup ROS environment in a wide variety of operating systems. For this we need:
Use app store, or visit Download Visual Studio Code.
Find Install using the convenience script from Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu. In your terminal, execute
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh ./
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Then reboot your pc.
in a suitable place.Please don’t add PyThon or Anaconda extensions.
Go to, click Use this template > Create a new repository
. Give it a suitable name, and copy the url of your repository.
Open a terminal and execute the following commands:
cd my_bot && mkdir src
cd my_bot
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch my_bot world:=./src/my_bot/worlds/
Wait for the simulation to start. Then open a new terminal and execute the following commands:
cd my_bot
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
You can now drive the robot in the simulated environment.
To observe the sensor readings, open a new terminal and execute:
rviz2 -d src/my_bot/config/view_bot.rviz
Open a new terminal and execute:
ros2 run my_bot_controller my_bot_subpub
You’ll find the robot has started to move automatically. You can also find some informative output in the terminal.
In your vscode editor, open the file: my_bot>src>my_bot_controller>my_bot_controller>
In lines 84, 85, you’ll file the lines:
msg.linear.x = 0.01
msg.angular.z = 0.05
Change the values (stay within 0-1). Stop the program my_bot_subpub by pressing ctrl+c
and run it again. Notice any changes in robot’s movement?